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In-Home Grooming for your Dog and Cat in Delhi-NCR, by Woofs-n-Wags


10 in stock


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Type of Service Description Mini Medium Maxi Giant
Tick & Flea Bath Medicated Bath and D-Ticking with Tick & flea Shampoo and Conditioner 400 450 550 700
Aroma Therapy Bath Aroma Based Shampoo, conditioning and Blow Dry 350 400 450 650
Body Clip Complete Body Hair Cut* 850 1000 1500 1900
Body Clip – Matted Hair Complete Body Haircut- with Tangled Hair* 1000 1250 1600 2200
Basic Grooming Medicated Bath and D-Ticking with Tick & flea Shampoo and Conditioner 600 700 800 1200
Complete Grooming Aroma Based Shampoo, conditioning and Blow Dry + Pet Hygiene 1300 1600 2000 2200
Complete Grooming – Matted Hair Aroma Based Shampoo, conditioning and Blow Dry +  Pet Hygiene + Complete Body Haircut- with Tangled Hair* 1500 1800 2200 2500
2000 2400 2800 3000